HouseATL’s members carry out their work through Working Groups. Each Working Group is led by Co-Chairs who are elected by the Working Group to carry out a set of responsibilities described here. For more information about the Working Groups and how to join, please click on the button below.

Meet our Working Group Co-Chairs


Funders Collective

Sarah Kirsch

Managing Director, Housing Funds, Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta

Policy and Advocacy

Kristin Allin

Kristin Allin

Senior Planner and Housing Specialist, Atlanta Regional Commission

Chelsea Arkin

Chelsea Arkin

Senior Housing Policy and Development Manager, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.

Prioritizing Communities

Cole Thaler

Cole Thaler

Managing Attorney, Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation’s Saturday Lawyer Program

Rental Housing Preservation

Sara Patenaude

Dr. Sara Patenaude

Director of Policy Solutions for the Southeast Region, Reinvestment Fund