HouseATL originated in 2018 as a coalition of the willing – initiated through the convening power and resources of the visionary founders described below. More than 200 civic leaders came together to develop a bold plan with 23 actionable recommendations to increase affordable housing – a call to action to all of Atlanta, but in particular to our civic leadership. This coalition defined the problems, identified the barriers to success, took a data-driven approach, and engaged in thoughtful problem-solving so that civic and business leadership in Atlanta would have a shared, comprehensive set of policies and adequate funding to address housing affordability.
In 2019, HouseATL organized itself into working groups to advance some of those 23 recommendations. HouseATL had barely begun implementation when the pandemic hit, but the network that was built positioned HouseATL to respond. During the pandemic, HouseATL’s working groups pivoted to address the changing housing needs of Atlantans. Participants maintained trust and goodwill under stress as people tried to figure out new mechanisms to scale rental assistance, protect vulnerable residents and recommend effective uses of new federal funds.
In late 2021, HouseATL’s leadership moved to formalize HouseATL as an ongoing entity. HouseATL became fiscally sponsored by the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta with a memorandum of understanding that outlines governance responsibilities for a HouseATL Advisory Board. The Advisory Board hired its first staff in 2022, established a membership structure and created consistent roles for Working Group Co-Chairs.
Founding Partners
These visionary entities below convened civic leaders in 2018 to join a table that became HouseATL. These founding partner organizations had the foresight to make a table where a breadth of people could find a meaningful way to contribute.

Explore HouseATL's History
Fall 2017
Founding partners host educational series for political candidates and make resource commitments to develop coalition
Winter 2017
Case statement developed and stakeholders recruited
Spring 2018
Launch of “coalition of the willing” with monthly gatherings; Executive Committee formed; Working Groups formed; Research and problem statement development
Summer 2018
Peer exchange to Seattle; Working Groups propose recommendations
Fall 2018
23 strategic recommendations finalized and website launched
Winter 2018
Funders Collective launches
Spring 2019
Mayor responds with One Atlanta Housing Plan; Newsletter launched; and 100 Great Ideas Campaign conducted
Summer 2019
Pipeline Review committee initiated and Policy advocacy conducted Qualified Allocation Plan
Fall 2019
Pipeline Review committee supports preservation of Capitol View as inaugural project
Winter 2019
Atlanta Affordable Housing Fund launched
Spring 2020
Case studies developed
Summer 2020
Prioritizing Communities coordinates emergency assistance and eviction prevention service providers
Fall 2020
Policy Working Group advocates for Housing Opportunity Bond
Spring 2021
Survey conducted to inform priorities and Prioritizing Communities Working Group completes report on emergency assistance
Summer 2021
ULI concludes staffing support and Pipeline Review committee launches Neighborly application
Fall 2021
Advisory Board signs agreement with Community Foundation to be fiscal sponsor
Winter 2021
Executive Committee converts to Advisory Board
Spring 2022
Advisory Board conducts staff search
Summer 2022
Executive Director hired
Fall 2022
Board job description, bylaws and officers formalized and membership structure approved
Winter 2022
Membership process initiated with 115 people joining
Spring 2023
Launched new Homeownership Working Group, welcomed new Board directors, and initiated strategic planning update
Summer 2023
Partnered with ULI Atlanta on a refresh of their 5-county housing study