HouseATL is a cross-sector group of civic leaders committed to building the political and community will for a comprehensive and coordinated housing affordability action plan for Atlanta. HouseATL is structured as a membership coalition with an Advisory Board providing governance functions. Its work is staffed and championed by an Executive Director, while it is fiscally and operationally sponsored by the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta.
Guiding Principles
HouseATL’s members and our strategic recommendations adhere to these guiding principles:
- Housing is a means to an end for a more sustainable, inclusive, healthy Atlanta. Recommendations should advance racial and socioeconomic equity in our communities.
- Cross-sector collaboration is critical to actionable solutions. We seek to engage civic and community leadership at all levels, recognizing that sustainable change only happens with authentic resident support.
- We recognize that there are many related issues (wage growth, quality schools, and transportation access, among others) that are inextricably linked to affordability and community retention and are supportive of these efforts that are outside of the scope of this particular coalition.
- We believe housing strategies should be incorporated across Atlanta, balancing opportunities in neighborhoods with high quality of life factors with comprehensive community development.
- We are committed to serving all of the affordability needs of Atlantans, with an emphasis on those most in need.
- Regional planning with our neighbors, particularly around the link between regional transportation and housing affordability, must be part of our long-term affordability solutions.
- Strategies must harness the power of the marketplace – capital and development – to meaningfully increase housing production and preservation.
- We acknowledge that some recommendations may require policy alignment and/or state law change and there will be a need for ongoing advocacy and collaboration with various state agencies and legislative partner