Meaghan Shannon-Vlkovic (Ex-officio)
Senior Vice President of Solutions, Enterprise Community Partners
Meaghan Shannon-Vlkovic is vice president and market leader for Enterprise Community Partner’s Southeast market, which includes the states of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama and Tennessee. She leads Enterprise’s programmatic work in the region, focused on providing an array of resources to affordable housing and community development partners. This includes capacity building assistance for proactive preservation and production of housing, and helping communities plan for future development, such as transit-oriented development opportunities. Prior to joining the Southeast office in 2010, Meaghan was development director at Monadnock Construction in Brooklyn, N.Y., where she was responsible for planning and analysis of housing development opportunities. From 2001 to 2004 she was a program officer and assistant director of housing and finance in Enterprise’s New York office, where she coordinated technical assistance and training to nonprofit and for-profit developers while overseeing a project management team and portfolio of tax credit developments. Previously Meaghan was executive director of Aquinas Housing Corporation, a Bronx nonprofit, community-based organization involved in the rebuilding and management of 45 properties encompassing 1,200 units of housing serving the formerly homeless, seniors and families with low to moderate incomes. Meaghan earned her bachelor’s degree from SUNY Oneonta College and her master’s degree from CUNY Hunter College in New York City.